A place for educators and parents to find articles and resources on how to help students struggling with academics and behavior in the classroom.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Magic Phrases.....
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Basic Brain Gym Exercises
- Drinking water: Water allows the body and brain to communicate. It gives the brain an instant boost and strengthens the immune system. Water also increases alertness, coordination, improves concentration and ability to focus, and improves academic performance and behavior.
- Cross Crawl: Brain integration of left and right. The right hand (or elbow) crosses over to the left side of the body to touch left knee. Left hand (or elbow) crosses over to right side of body to touch right knee.
- Brain Buttons: Brain integration of front and back. Thumb and second (or third) finger massage pressure points on either side of the breastbone. Points are located between collarbone and first rib. Place opposite h and on belly button.
- Hook Ups (for adolescents could be called Twister): Brain integration of top and bottom. Place hands back to back, with thumbs pointing downward. Hold one hand steady and cross the other so that your palms are facing, thumbs still pointing down. Link your fingers and turn your clasped hands down and in toward your body. Cross your legs or your feet. ALSO: touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Working with the difficult student
I was lucky enough to attend a training titled "Working With the Difficult Student" with Dr. Jane Bluestein this week. Dr. Bluestein has written several books including "The Win-Win Classroom". She spoke energetically about this topic and turned my thinking on it's side about how to approach students in a way that lets both the teacher and the child win. What a fantastic idea! Her premise is about preventing the difficulties before they ever begin. I hope to share over the next few days several of the ideas that I took away from this training that can be used both in the classroom and at home.
I will share this: I used one of the strategies this morning on my 5 year old. He had gotten up this morning and turned on the tv. When I tried to get him to get dressed and eat breakfast this became a battle. You see, you can't see the tv from his room or the kitchen. He kept saying "one more minute!" and never got dressed or ate. I finally became irate at him for ignoring my directions and he became irate with me for insisting on following them. Typically I would have turned off the tv and told him "No more tv until you are dressed and have eaten!". This time I said "Hey, I'm going to help you. After you have gotten dressed and have eaten breakfast, I'm going to let you watch a few minutes of tv until we leave for school. What do you think of that?". The 5 year old loved it! The tears dried up and he became excited because I told him I would help him. The great thing is, I didn't change the core of my message: those two tasks were going to be completed before he could watch tv. I just changed how I presented it to him and we were both winners in the situation.
So keep checking back over the next few days for strategies and ideas. If you get a chance head on over to www.janebluestein.com and look at the free items. There is a lot to choose from.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Response to Intervention Tips for Parents
RTI Suggestions for Parents
- If your child wants to read to you, listen attentively. If your child stumbles over a word from time to time, simply say the word.
- When your child reads aloud to you, don't try to use teaching techniques, such as "sounding out" words. Instead, enjoy the story together, laugh over it, discuss the plot, praise your child for reading especially well, or for figuring out a word.
- Give your child extra opportunities to read. Let your child read the directions for a new game or the back of a cereal box. Ask your child to "help" by reading a cookie recipe or traffic signs.
- Introduce the public library. Let your child choose books of interest, rather than choosing books you feel should be read. Start a home library.
- Let your child see you reading frequently, sharing choice passages with others, referring to books for answers.
- Have a daily family reading time.
- Take turns reading out loud every day.
- Talk about family and community events.
- Show your child how to listen, watch, and take turns while speaking.
- Give books and magazine subscriptions as gifts.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Words Their Way Stages Characteristics
Their Way spelling strategies by stage
Emergent stage
Read to students and encourage oral language activities
Model writing using dictation and charts
Encourage pretend reading and writing
Develop oral language with concepts sorts
Play with speech sounds to develop phonological awareness
Plan activities to learn the alphabet
Sort pictures by beginning sound
Encourage fingerpoint memory of rhymes, dictations, and simple pattern books
Encourage invented spelling
Early Letter Name-Alphabet Stage
Read to students and encourage oral language activities
Secure concept of word by plenty of reading in predictable books, dictations, and
simple rhymesRecord and reread individual dictations
Label pictures and write in journals regularly
Collect known words for word bank
Sort pictures and words by beginning sounds
Study word families that share a common vowel
Study beginning consonant blends and digraphs
Encourage invented spelling
Middle to Late Letter Name-Alphabetic Stage
Read to students
Encourage invented spellings in independent writing, but hold students
accountable for features and words they have studiedCollect two to three paragraph dictations that are reread regularly
Encourage more expansive writing and consider some simple editing procedures for
punctuation and high-frequency wordsSort pictures and words by different short vowel word families
Sort pictures and words by short vowel sounds and CVC patterns
Continue to examine more difficult consonant blends with pictures and words
Study preconsonantal nasals and digraphs at the end of words
Sort pictures comparing short and long vowel sounds
Collect known words for word bank (up to 200)
Within Word Pattern Stage
Continue to read aloud to students
Guide silent reading of simple chapter books
Write each day, writer’s workshops, conferencing, and publication
Complete daily activities in word study notebook
Sort words by long and short vowel sounds and by common long vowel patterns
Compare words with r-influenced vowels
Explore less common vowels, diphthongs (oi, oy), and other ambiguous vowels
(ou,au,ow,oo)Examine triple blends and complex consonant units such as thr, str, dge, tch, ck
Explore homographs and homophones
Words Their Way strategies from Words Their Way by Bear et al., pages 22-23
Words Their Way checklist
Words Their Way: Developmental Stages and Characteristics
Emergent Stage
a. Scribbles letters and numbers……..........................……... yes____ no____
b. Lacks concept of word………...……………. .........................yes____ no____
c. Lacks letter/sound correspondence…… ......................... yes____ no____
d. Pretends to read and write………………… .........................yes____ no____
Early Letter Name/Alphabetic Stage
a. Represents beginning/ending sounds… .........................yes____ no____
b. Uses letter names to invent spellings…...........................yes____ no____
c. Has rudimentary/functional concept of word………........yes____ no____
d. Reads word by word in beginning reading materials……yes____ no____
Middle/Late Letter Name-Alphabetic Stage
a. Correctly spells initial/final consonants, some blends/digraphs
b. Uses letter names to spell vowel sounds………………..... yes____ no____
c. Spells phonetically…………………………………............…… yes____ no____
d. Omits most silent letters/preconsonantal nasals……… yes____ no____
e. Fingerpoints accurately/self corrects when off track…... yes____ no____
f. Reads aloud slowly, word-by-word manner…………….. yes____ no____
Within Word Pattern Stage
a. Spells most single-syllable, short vowel words…………... yes____ no____
b. Spells most beginning consonant digraphs………....……. yes____ no____
c. Spells most two-letter consonant blends………………...... yes____ no____
d. Attempts to use silent long vowel markers………...…….. yes____ no____
e. Reads silently/with more fluency and expression……… yes____ no____
f. Writes more fluently and in extended fashion…………....yes____ no____
g. Can revise and edit…………………………............…………… yes____ no____
Stages from Words
Their Way by Bear et al., chapter 1, pages 22-23