Thursday, April 28, 2011

Education World: Reading Coach: Glimpses Into Read-Aloud Classrooms/

Education World: Reading Coach: Glimpses Into Read-Aloud Classrooms/

Take a moment to read this article in what doing a read aloud in a classroom can look like. This article has great ideas! Click on the title above to go to the article at Education World.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fluency information

Facilitating Writing Fluency

The ability to write automatically is commonly called writing fluency. This online excerpt from Writing Instruction and Assessment for ELLs explains the reasons why teachers need to focus on writing fluency, the challenges ELLs face when learning to write, and instructional strategies for facilitating writing fluency. Educators may be particularly interested in descriptions of alphabetic features for a number of languages.  Please click on the blue link of "Facilitating Writing Fluency" and take a look at the information.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Finding out book levels

Yesterday I asked my fifth/sixth grade students for book recommendations.  If they finish their work during reading group in an orderly manner and WITH manners then I read to them the last five minutes.  Surprisingly they love being read to even at their age!  One suggested A Case of the Stripes, another suggested Harry Potter, while another student suggested The Edge Chronicles.  I hadn't heard of the last series and the requirement is the book must be on a fifth grade level.  So I used my book leveler from Scholastic to find out the grade level of The Edge Chronicles.  Unfortunately for them that series is a 4.3 level.  So we will have to brainstorm some more.  If you would like to check out the Scholastic Book Leveler, just take a look at the bottom of this blog.  I keep the widget at the bottom of this blog.  Have fun!