Tuesday, November 16, 2010

ESL tidbits

Homework Tips for Parents

By: Reading Rockets (2010)

Study the same things in different ways and places

Help your child learn about new words or content in a variety of ways. Talk about new vocabulary words several times over the course of the week, in different settings. This will help enrich your child's understanding of the word.

Mix up the study time

If your child prefers to do a little math, a little reading, a little word study and then back to math, that's okay! Mixing up the practice time may leave a greater impression on your learner.

Space out the learning

If your child has a big test coming up next week, help her study a little bit each day rather than cramming it in the night before. An hour or so every other day, spacing out the learning, is a better way to really learn the material.

Help your child get organized

Help your child pick out a special homework notebook or folder, and make sure your child has homework supplies, such as:
  • pencils
  • pens
  • writing paper
  • a dictionary

Show your child that you think homework is important

Ask your child about her homework each day, and check to see that it is completed. Tell your child that you are proud of the work she is doing.

Help your child without doing the homework

It's important to answer questions if you can — but remember that homework is supposed to help children learn and that doing your child's homework does not help in the long run.

Talk with your child's teacher

Find out what the teacher's homework rules are. If your child has a problem completing or understanding homework, call or e-mail the teacher to talk about the issue.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Auditory Processing- Possible Characteristics Checklist

 Auditory Processing Characteristics Checklist

Place a check next to the characteristics that you view in the student.

_____   Trouble paying attention to and remembering information presented orally
_____   Problems carrying out multistep directions
_____   Poor listening skills
_____   Needs more time to process information
_____   Confuses syllable sequences and problems developing vocabulary
_____   Difficulty with comprehension
_____   Trouble associating sounds with their meanings
_____   Misunderstand a lot
_____   Easily distracted
_____   Slow response to verbal instructions
_____   Trouble remembering things they hear
_____   Difficulty remembering people's names
_____   Trouble finding the right words to use when talking
_____   Unusual sensitivity to noise
_____   Difficulty sounding out new words
_____   Hearing clearly in noisy environments
_____   Confuses multi-digit numbers (such as 74 and 47)
_____   Confusing lists and other types of sequences
_____   Distinguishing difference between similar sounds (such as seventy and seventeen)
_____  Verbal (word) math problems are difficult
_____  Conversations are hard for student to follow
_____  Uses vague words such as "thing", "stuff", "whatever"
_____  Misinterprets verbal messages
_____  Tends to spell words phonetically
_____  Reads slowly and has poor reading comprehension
_____  Poor fine motor skills (using scissors, writing neatly, holding a pencil)
_____  Difficulty with concepts involving time, direction, or sequence
_____  Poor personal organizational skills
_____  Appears to make noise for noise's sake
_____  Talks self through a task, often out loud
_____  Appears confused about where a sound is coming from