I. Tier 1
- All students participate in Tier 1
- 80-90% of students should respond to effective literacy instruction. Our district has 120 minutes of literacy instruction daily, of which 90 of those minutes is uninterrupted.
- Benchmark universal screenings occur 3 times a year.
- Schools have school teams that meet an average of every 4 weeks to review students who are struggling, brainstorm interventions, and document information.
- Progress monitoring will occur weekly using a CBM probe.
- Moving students to Tier 2 requires a data-based decision. The student must be at or below the 10th percentile for both the performance and growth rate of progress monitoring.
- 5-15% of students participate in Tier 2.
- Documentation is vital of interventions. This should include the data of how the decision was made if it was effective or not.
- Progress monitoring will occur weekly.
- Interventions can occur in small group or individually depending on the course of action chosen by the RTI Team. Student will receive a minimum of three, 3o minute sessions per week to address areas determined by the RTI Team.
- Parents are strongly encouraged to participate in the process. They will receive a progress note every 4 1/2 weeks.
- After 9 weeks of interventions a data-based decision is made by the RTI Team:
b. Student has accomplished goals and returns to Tier 1
c. Student has performance scores at or below the 10th percentile and a growth rate of progress monitoring at or below the 25th percentile. Student would then be eligible to move forward towards Tier 3.
III. Tier 3
- Student will continue to receive Tier 2 interventions during the evaluation process.
- School psychologist will review all data and perform any additional testing considered necessary to determine eligibility for special education.
- An IEP Team will determine eligibility.
- All special education procedures will apply at this time.
- Progress monitoring will occur weekly.